About Us
Our Mission
The mission of UHESA is to empower and unite higher education staff in the State of Utah by fostering a connected staff community and creating a culture of professional recognition through resources, advocacy, training, and networking.
Strategic Goals for 2024-25
- Complete an Inaugural “Connections Tour” to introduce UHESA at each of the member institution’s association meetings.
- Continue building our relationship with USHE.
- Learn about and engage with staff associations at USHE technical schools in Utah.
- Continue to develop the UHESA Handbook.
- Work with USHE to update information about UHESA on their website (e.g. https://ushe.edu/tag/uhesa/, https://ushe.edu/meet-uhesa-the-utah-higher-education-staff-association/).
- Work with the Executive Board to create a budget for this FY, and a budget plan for the next 5 years.
- Support the Professional Development Officers’ goals.
- Create a New Member Orientation program for UHESA.
- Contribute to the UHESA Handbook.
- Work with the President to continue building the relationship with USHE.
- Work with the President and USHE to develop a strategy to engage the tech schools with UHESA.
- Meet with the President and Past-President once a semester.
- Work with the President to refine and develop the UHESA elections process.
- Contribute to the UHESA Handbook.
- Develop a training/orientation for future Secretaries.
- Create templates for minutes, etc. and guidance on best practices for the UHESA Secretary position.
- Contribute to the UHESA Handbook.
- Provide a finances update at each Executive Meeting.
- Provide a budget to the UHESA Annual Conference Host at the beginning of the planning season.
- Establish a record-keeping process for UHESA’s finances in case of an audit.
- Develop a training/orientation for future Treasurers.
- Contribute to the UHESA Handbook.
- Develop a “UHESA 101” Introduction Video.
- Create a “President’s Gallery” page on the website.
- Improve the UHESA Roster.
- Improve UHESA document/records storage.
- Contribute to the UHESA Handbook.
- Build UHESA’s information collection and distribution network related to legislative matters.
- Join listserv’s that are tracking legislation and share them with our communication network.
- Create a “Have You Heard?” campaign to help educate the staff community about voting and the legislative session.
- Contribute to the UHESA Handbook.
- Increase the number of events UHESA hosts/sponsors this year. The goal is to host or sponsor at least two (2) events before the end of the FY; the high goal for this FY is four (4) events.
- Increase communications between institutions professional development programs so we can help advertise.
- Collect suggestions for webinar topics and begin networking for future events.
- Build infrastructure for future development.
- Contribute to the UHESA Handbook.